Introductive international note
IC8 / C's.G note de cordination internationale 8
Le 25 février 2024
Bonjour / HELLO !
Since the ACMÉ project is not dead but was reloaded to start again as a remotely implemented partnership (to be carried out till next summer in order to support our application) and because it is the same team and our third common attempt to be selected (the last one but not the least, I hope so!) I considered this first note was actually the 8th
Please go online see the page where French team putted some details about the local background of each work package You can give me the same information concerning your High school using the excel table given with this mail. I believe these important datas are missing and must be completed as soon as possible to avoid the evaluator judge us badly.
At the same time, my intention is also to add contents on the page, about our indicators to measure the impacts ; you can provide your ideas if you have. Moreover we'll add a plan to summarize our MOOC project and perhaps I will come back to you to deal with this issue.
Find an abstract ot the Applicant Form (written in French in the original formate). Try to be registered in the EPALE system and to go back to the eTwinnings (now located in the ESEP hub) Best regards !
P-L Vanderplancke
To all contact persons were also given by mail
2 the AGENDA (Timeline of mobilities and work packages, deadlines for the activities)
3 the GANTT CHART (all the main project holders identified before the start of the project)
4 the LOGICAL FRAMEWOK (a paper to understand the context of funds dispatching, quality following process and activities designing - showing the relation between the priorities of the EU, our general objectives and the specific aims we used to make the WORK BEAKDOWN STRUCTURE of the partnership)
5 the OUTPUTS AND DEADLINES book (the descriptionof our intellectual outputs or deliverables and theproduction planning)
6 the REFERENTIEL (goals Repositery) useful to check the relevance of the tasks and to measure the Quality