a partnership rewarded by the European Union
EITA 2022 (prize of the best innovative project)
THANKS YOU VERY MUCH: staff members, teachers, experts and students implicated in the process; And all the good will helpers.
This blog was created with the aim of supporting the E+A partnership (this KA2 project was implemented from 2017 to 2020). It is now used by ACMÉ remote cooperation; but also for the dissemination of all the results of the “NOAH community” and the information given by the ILARGIA League. Starting in 2025, CITIZEN's.GAIN eTwinners will share some of their activities and coordination notes here. SMUN project leaders too.
a partnership rewarded by the European Union
EITA 2022 (prize of the best innovative project)
THANKS YOU VERY MUCH: staff members, teachers, experts and students implicated in the process; And all the good will helpers.
Lycée Ravel is to organize in a couple of months the 3rd edition of a special activity ("la semaine de mobilisation en faveur de son ouverture internationale européenne" so called ERASMUSMOB event).
In the framework of this celebration, an exhibition will be done at the High School Library (CDI) by the French Pupils. This exibition's name will be "Captain Sensible" and be dedicated to legendar and/or real samples of empathy between Human Beings and Animals.
In addition, partners ot the E+L.o.L. partnership visiting Saint Jean de Luz from the 10th to the 14th of october will take part in a boat tour to see dolphins in Cantabric Sea and will go to the cinema to see the sci-fi movie produced by E+A (Noah) teams. There will be also some videoconferences in wich we hope our former Erasmus+ partners will participe.
ERASMUS MOB I (made december, 2020 and presented as the C5 remote study travel) and ERASMUS MOB II (made in november, 2021 in the same time we were guest in the EUROSCOLA virtual session) reports are: in the NOAH transnational public portal.