jeudi 30 juillet 2020

E+A CP7 / Control Quality Check Point / International Coordination NOTES from January to July, 2020





IC19- 19th international coordination note:

Erasmusplusanimals E+A (Noah) strategic partnership

E+A (Noah)

By the Project manager (IC): Pierre-Laurent Vanderplancke / page 1/2

message du 13 mars 2020 COVID-19 SITUATION first CHECK POINT

1 page

Bonjour à tous et à toutes

Le Lycée Ravel est fermé à partir de Lundi 16 mars et des restrictions de circulation importantes sont mises en place un peu partout en Europe. Dans ces conditions nous proposons d'envisager la réalisation en mai des mobilités C5 et R5 mais de réexaminer la faisabilité effective de cet aménagement de notre calendrier en faisant une concertation à distance autour du 15 avril au plus tard.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint le courrier officiel de notre Proviseur.

Hello my dear colleagues

As all European countries, France is more and more afected by the struggle against the virus and our school will be closed from Monday in order to protect people (however we have had no case nor in the city or among the students) .

You'll find in attachement an official letter from our Director as an abstract of our plan to confront the situation.

The idea is to postpone C5 and R5 in May if it's possible.

To manage this delayment, we'll do a check point the 15th of April to take the definitive decision.

If the implementation of C5 from the 5th to the 11th of May is a realistic possibility we could make our movie at this time. If it's not the case, we'll try to do asap a footage in France and we'll add some sequences made by you at home in a second time.

In any case R5 will be easily maintained since it's simple to do a meeting with adults only, just after the free circulation is etablished again.

C5 cancellation is unfortunately a possibility. Perhaps some of you would want to come to France with some pupils even if the last common study travel was not done by all the partners ?. We'll have some talks about this question,  if the Check Point (to do the 15th of April) show us the postponment of C5 to early May is not realistic.

Best regards


If the UE wanted top give us a delay to terminate the partnershipn, not in August, but during next autumn, we would have to think on it seriously

in attachement CORONA 2.pdf (A letter writenby our Headmaster)2020/03/30


IC20- 20th international coordination note:

Erasmusplusanimals E+A (Noah) strategic partnership

By the Project manager (IC): Pierre-Laurent Vanderplancke / page 1/2

message du 30 mars 2020 COVID-19 SITUATION second CHECK POINT

2 pages

Previously planned the 15th of April, a brain storming is becoming necessary as soon as possbile since schools are closed and Quarantiane is beginning almost everywhere in Europe. The E+A new schedule timetable (approved by the headmaster) is no more available. C5 and R5 implmentations must be postponed.

My dear colleagues...
The French government has just announced a two-weeks period of quarantaine more in April, although the restrictions are unlikely to be lifted in May since a possible renewal has already been mentioned by the authorities.
Under these conditions, it is very unlikely that curses could resume at the Lycée Maurice Ravel in Saint-Jean-de-Luz before the end of April, and it is not even certain that this could be the case in the following weeks.

Cher(e)s collègues et ami(e)s
Le gouvernement français vient d’annoncer la prolongation de deux semaines de la période de confinement liée à la pandémie du COVID 19, période qui prendra fin, au mieux, le 15 avril, encore qu’il soit peu probable que les restrictions soient toutes levés à cette date, puisqu’une reconduction éventuelle a déjà été évoquée par les autorités .
Dans ces conditions, il est très peu probable que les cours puissent reprendre au Lycée Maurice Ravel de Saint-Jean-de-Luz avant la fin du mois d’Avril, et il n’est même pas certain que cela puisse être le cas courant  mai.

We are therefore slightly ahead of the check point (scheduled for the 15th to take stock of the real possibilities of implementing the schedule of mobilities that have been suspended) in order to ask your opinion and allow you to think about it in advance, in case alternative solutions have to be imagined.

Nous devançons par conséquent quelque peu le check point (prévu le 15 pour faire le point sur les possibilités réelles de mettre en oeuvre le calendrier des mobilités restées en suspend) afin de vous demander votre avis et de vous permettre d’y réfléchir par avance, au cas où des solutions alternatives devraient être imaginées.
1°) A propos de R5, prévu en semaine 20 (3 jours entre le 11 et le 18 mai).
Nous croyons qu’il sera plus raisonnable d’envisager (c’était dès le départ une option) de décaler cette ultime mobilité et de la positionner en Juillet voire en Août (en fonction de ce que seront les contraintes pour nous tous : si les examens de Juin-Juillet étaient décalés ou les frontières encore en partie fermées, ce ne pourrait être qu’un rendez-vous très tardif). Il est impératif en effet que tous les partenaires puissent être représentés pour ce séminaire d’évaluation et pérennisation, dont l’ordre du jour sera probablement très impacté par la crise, mais il est théoriquement possible de l’organiser à n’importe quel moment, avant septembre. Je vous propose donc, lors de notre réunion virtuelle du 15 avril (qui pourrait se faire par visioconférence ou par courrier électronique, comme vous le voudrez) de tenter de fixer une date possible pour cette réunion transnationale estivale.

2°) A propos de C5, prévu en semaine 19 (5 jours entre le 4 et le 10 mai) nous suggérons de le décaler en semaine 20 si toutefois cela s’avère possible. Selon le scénario le plus optimiste (les hôtels sont censés rouvrir le 5 mai) nous pourrions reprendre les cours début mai : mais il y a peu de chance que nous soyons dès la semaine 19 en mesure de vous accueillir dans de bonnes conditions (des vacances sont prévues du 18 avril au 4 mai en France, et par ailleurs si les élèves sortaient du confinement à cette date ils risqueraient d’être peu disponibles sur le moment). Je vous propose donc, si la situation évolue favorablement d’ici au 15 avril, de fixer C5 en semaine 20 : moment qui pourrait être la dernière fenêtre de tir commune à toutes les écoles.

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3°) L’allongement du confinement peut compromettre C5 et le tournage transnational de notre film, « L’Arche » (à moins que l’année scolaire soit elle aussi très allongée dans le temps). Dans cette éventualité, Jean-Luc et moi sommes naturellement prêts à recevoir avec l’équipe française tous ceux d’entre vous qui parviendraient à organiser un déplacement de substitution (en remplacement de C5) pour ne pas perdre une partie leurs de subventions européennes, même si les dates de visite des écoles ne coïncidaient pas toutes.
Je vous propose donc de nous mettre d’accord le 15 avril sur les moyens éventuels de réaliser notre film à distance, au cas où il n’y aurait pas d’échange dédié à cette activité et associant tous les partenaires. Des scènes pourraient être jouées localement dans chaque pays, si tant est que les cours y reprennent à temps, et d’autres en France lors de rencontres bilatérales (ou plus larges) si de tels voyages compensatoires avaient bien lieu, et le montage serait fait au Lycée Ravel. Il serait dommage de ne pas produire ce film, qui fait partie de nos engagements collectifs, mais il est surtout important en cas d’échec de démontrer à l’UE que nous avons tout fait pour tenter de remplir notre contrat : aucune subvention particulière n’ayant été demandée pour ce produit final, nous n’avons pas de toute manière à redouter des sanctions financières.

4°) Les Erasmus+ lancés en 2018 et 2020 ont obtenu un prolongement de leur durée de 6 mois. Pas ceux de 2017, sans doute en vertu du principe que les projets ne doivent pas durer plus de 3 ans. Si les problèmes persistaient, il n’est pas impossible que l’UE change sa doctrine. Dans ce cas nous reporterions C5 et R5 en septembre ou plus tard. Avec la difficulté qu’une bonne part des élèves auront quitté le lycée l’an prochain (en principe).

1 °) About R5 : it was  scheduled for the 20th week  (3 days, between 11 and 18 May). We believe now that it will be more reasonable to consider (it was an option from the start) to offset this ultimate mobility and to position it in July or even in August (depending on what will be the constraints for all of us: if the June-July exams were postponed or the borders still partially closed, it could only be a very late date). It is indeed imperative that all the partners may be involved in the evaluation and sustainability seminar, whose agenda is to be very affected by the crisis, but it is theoretically possible to organize it at any time , before September. I therefore suggest to you, during our virtual meeting on April 15 (which could be done by videoconference or by e-mail, as you wish) to try to fix a possible date for this transnational « summer meeting ».
2 °) Regarding C5, scheduled for the 19th week (5 days between May 4 and 10) we suggest shifting it to the 20th week,  if that proves possible. According to the most optimistic scenario (the hotels are supposed to reopen on May 5), we could resume classes in early May: but there is little chance that we will be able to welcome you in week 19 in good conditions (holidays are scheduled from April 18 to May 4 in France, and students leaving confinement on this date may be unavailable for this sort of project). I therefore suggest that, if the situation evolves favorably by April 15, fix C5 in the 20th week: it  could be the last « shooting window » (common to all schools).

3 °) The lengthening of the quarantaine is not sure but it can compromise C5 and the transnational shooting of our film, "L'Arche" (unless the school year is extended ?). In this event, Jean-Luc and I are naturally ready to receive you if you can manage to organize a substitution trip (to replace C5) in order not to lose part of your European grants (even if the dates of all school visits are not the same).
I therefore suggest that you agree on April 15 on the possible means of making our film remotely. Scenes could be played locally in each country, if activities resume there in time, others in France during bilateral (or larger) meetings if such compensatory trips took place, and montage would be done at Ravel High School. It would be a shame not to produce this film, which is part of our collective commitments, but it is especially important in case of failure to demonstrate to the EU that we have done everything to try to fulfill our contract. Anyway, as no particular subsidy requested for this final product, no  financial sanctions can be expected.

4 °) Erasmus + launched in 2018 and 2020 have been extended by 6 months. Not those of 2017, presumably by virtue of the principle that projects should not last more than 3 years. If the problems persist, it is not impossible for the EU to change its doctrine. In this case we would postpone C5 and R5 in September or later. With the difficulty that a good part of the pupils will have (theoretically) left the school next year.



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IC21- 21st international coordination note:

Erasmusplusanimals E+A (Noah) strategic partnership

E+A (Noah)

By the Project manager (IC): Pierre-Laurent Vanderplancke

message du 15 avril 2020 COVID-19 SITUATION third CHECK POINT (1 page)



Participants : P-L Vanderplancke (et J-L Puyjalon) Hristo Milushev Ana Martin R Zetea (and M Giurgiuman)


1°) C5 CANCELLATION - announcement by French team

It would be probably a miracle if all of our schools reopen before the first week of May and if the free movement of people was restored in all the UE country at this moment. That is the reason why we must now admit that the plan made by our High School (IC 19) in order to postpone the last short-term exchange implemented in our Erasmus+ agenda is no more realistic ! Anyway It seems now almost impossible to organize a common meeting including all the partners to film and to produce together our final output (the ARCH movie).

The implementation of this type of collective task, even after a hypothetical reopening of the Lycée RAVEL high school this summer would surely be prohibited by our authorities.

2°) PEDAGOGIC WATCH - brain storming

Considering the situation is very dynamic, all of the partners do wish we have other conferences to make a check point and take the last and definitive decisions together. The main goal is to avoid our friends to loose money (from European grants) because they may risk not to perform all the mobilities indicated in the E+A applicant form they had promised to fund. Another visioconference will be done around the 11th ofMay, because it's a probability (?) the quarantaine will be terminated in France at this time. Or even earlier if important breaking news come from the other countries.

3°) LAST MOBILITIES TO DO - brain storming

At this stage, teachers in Saint Jean de luz believe they could be the hosts of some of the partners in July, if the frontiers were reopen between their countries and France. But perhaps not all the foreign schools will be able to come to France, nor all at the same moment. The Bulgarian leader think it could be more easy to organize an alternative exchange to C5, not at Lycée Ravel but in Alcochete (Portugal). In this case, especially if all the partners meet same time, this solution may be adopted. But the Portuguese team would have still to come to France in order to keep its grants. The implementations of both the alternative mobilities to C5, and the R5 seminar will be the biggest issue of the next E+A visioconference.

4°) THE ARK MOVIE – a point by the project manager

As there was (in our contract) no dedicated grant wich had to be spent only for this output and since "THE ARCH"movie was only one of the production made during the partnreship's course we can hope some indulgence from the EU if we are not eventually able to make it because of the COVID-19 pandemia. But we'll have to proove in our final report that we have made all we can to save this project. The French team idea is to film the movie at home (perhaps in June) with some of the french students as actors, if the school's reopening is confirmed, and they would like to make the expert Mrs Pauline Laplace take part to this work. Other schools may send pictures (and/or sounds) wich will be added at the last step of the montage to give a tranational touch to the final result..



IC22- 22nd international coordination note:

Erasmusplusanimals E+A (Noah) strategic partnership

E+A (Noah)

By the Project manager (IC): Pierre-Laurent Vanderplancke

message du 14 mai 2020 COVID-19 SITUATION fourth CHECK POINT (1 page)

Hello dear colleagues.

The end of the Quarantaine does not mean the end of state of emergency. Concerning France it will finish only (and theoretically) in July. 

We are now waiting further informations from the government wich was announced to be given on May 28. According to the Prime Minister, hotels and restaurants may be allowed to reopen in June. Perhabs not anywhere in France but in the "green sector" wich is the part of the country without too much infection: by now, St Jean de Luz is in this area. But Paris is in the red zone.

We ll try to make a film and plan to do this work between the 15th of June and the 1st of July. But it is not sure if the High School will reopen or not before september !

International flights will probably begin to be implemented from the 15th of June.

As you see we are staying on stand-by, like I can imagine you are too. So we must probably wait before to organize a new meeting online about 3 points (or more):

- some Alternative Mobilities to C5

- the R5 Seminar

- some ways to make each partner able to take part to "The Arch" project (depending of the engagement of our students!).

Please you to send me a message if you want to add other issues to the agenda, and/or as soon as you need to make a transnational visioconference

Best regards to all of you.

Post Scriptum : We have said to our Hedmaster we'll try to make (almost a part of) the movie THE ARCH in June to conretize the partnership with the same French students who were involved in e+a (Noah) before -since 2017 - (because they all will leave our school from July). In this case we can imagine to manage some altertnative mobilities for you, instead of C5, this summer : or C5 could be implemented as soon as possible in the beginning of the next school year in order to let your students able to add some pictures and to do the final montage (Andreea from Cluj is supposed to be still in Colegiul Economic Pop, and I believe both you Ana and Hristo will keep some of the students who are in,the Erasmus+ team.

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