ACMÉ 3 / CITOYENS DU MONDE (citoyenneté et responsabilité)
International coordination note IC 3 - Le12 mars 2023
the concrete tasks we can share are becoming the focus by now. As I told to several of yours yesterday, our main intellectual ouput will be to make a podcast site (a sort of webradio, with also several videos in order to publish first some contents using national languages - but giving english subtittles). This site will be dedicated to citizenship. and especially to risponsibility toward Life in a global approach of citizenship (at the end of the project). Some artistic and friendly recurrent workshops will be implemented too, in order to add to rhetoric exercises something more funny: singing together). Aims are fixed but we must still (or I have to) describe the specific activities we want to do. I am trying to complete a little more the applicant form (but do not know if it will be possible to access to on Sunday and Monday to finish the form's completion as EU site was malfunctioning all the week ago and was always blocked yesterday!). Let's cross fingers! After thet Io come back to each of you in order to obtain more information of your school's skills and wills (do not forget: if our application is not convincing enough, we'll not have € 250 000... wich is our common target). This type of cooperation must respect 4 objectives (my former message) and be designed to breakdown the work in 4 or 5 packages (modules de travail). I published on the net the list of aims we need to target, and the 5 work packages we'll do. The question is to show what is inside each package and how much money we need.
Reminder the mobilities timeline is presumed to be accepted by all of you (international note ACMÉ2)
presentation of the ACMÉ project at the ERASMUS+ corner, with my colleague Florence Cens (during the High School's open doors 11/02/2023)WORK PACKAGES and objectives online