This blog was created with the aim of supporting the E+A partnership (this KA2 project was implemented from 2017 to 2020). It is now used by ACMÉ remote cooperation; but also for the dissemination of all the results of the “NOAH community” and the information given by the ILARGIA League. Starting in 2025, CITIZEN's.GAIN eTwinners will share some of their activities and coordination notes here. SMUN project leaders too.
samedi 14 septembre 2019
SYNOPSIS FOR R4 MEETING: first drafts were uploaded by French students
Les élèves des quatre écoles partenaires du projet E+A (Noah) : le Lycée Ravel de Saint-Jean-de-Luz, le groupement scolaire d'Alcochete, le Lycée économique "Iulian Pop" de Cluj-Napoca et le Lycée Professionnel et Technique Vétérinaire "Pavlov" de Dobrich) sont invités à produire un synopsis avant le premier séminaire des porteurs de projet de l'année scolaire, prévu en Roumanie début Octobre. Là, les professeurs choisiront le scénario définitif du film, soit qu'ils retiendront un projet leur paraissant meilleur que les autres, ou bien qu'ils préfèreront en produire un autre, fait malgré tout à partir des propositions des lycéen(ne)s.
Students from the 4 schools have to produce a synopsis before the R4 seminar (it's possible to do only one draft from each school, or that different stories to be written in a same school). These synopsises must be compatible with the first scene written last year (if it is not the case students must rewrite it).
Project holders will choose the best one or may imbricate different synopsises made by the pupils in order to plan the movie making from October
Uploads are beginning in France. All the synopsises will be edited in our Twinspace (FORUM NATURE+CULTURE) but two samples are given in our public website NOAH. Click on the pic to see that:
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