Students from Alcochete were involved in the visit of a natural site next to Fatima and enjoyed an exploration on Dinosaurus. Animals from very old times and caves.

This blog was created with the aim of supporting the E+A partnership (this KA2 project was implemented from 2017 to 2020). It is now used by ACMÉ remote cooperation; but also for the dissemination of all the results of the “NOAH community” and the information given by the ILARGIA League. Starting in 2025, CITIZEN's.GAIN eTwinners will share some of their activities and coordination notes here. SMUN project leaders too.
International coordination Erasmusplusanimals E+A (Noah)
Hello European fellows.
I must confirm you that our german “partners” definitively left our common project. I am very disappointed by this fact, and even more by the way they did it without any debate with us.
French national Erasmus+ Agency wrote me today and said:
1°) German Erasmus+ Agency already knew about this cancellation and did confirm the Gesamtschule Eifel got out of the partnership. So, it’s done; no possibility for a come back.
2°) Every remaining school’s first job is now to give this information to its own national agency.
3°) We’ll loose no money! Because our contract and goals are not changed, but we must do all the planned mobilities.
4°) It’s unfortunalety forbidden for us to find a new partner (for instance in Germany) after Blankenheim did give up.
5°) As I told them the ways we can use to target our goals and not waste our grant funds, Erasmus+ people think we have to choose between two possibilities:
increasing the numbers of students in existing study travels (as you know French team wished to bring six students in each of the short term exchange, it could be more : perhaps nine ?)
or implementing a mobility elsewehere instead since C1 in Germany was cancelled.
In my opinion we can think about all that and make a brain storming at the end of the month to take the best decision.
Thanks you for your support.
POST SCIPTUM No change for our coat of arms contest but you can send me your drafts till the end of february. We’ll find a way to erase german emblemas of the winner’s drawing if it’s necessary
Chers compagnonss européens.
Je dois vous confirmer par la présente le retrait définitif de notre projet commun de la partie allemande. Je suis personnellement très déçu de cette décision, comme de la manière brutale dont elle nous a été annoncée, sans aucune discussion préalable.
L’Agence Erasmus+ française m’a écrit aujourd’hui pour me donner les informations suivantes :
1°) Son homoloque allemande lui a confirmé avoir été mise au courant de l’abandon du partenariat par la Gesamtschule Eifel. C’est donc acté et irréversible.
2°) Chacun des partenaires doit aviser sa propre agence nationale de la situation (retrait des Allemands).
3°) Nous ne perdrons aucune des subventions qui nous ont été promises dans la mesure où notre contrat comme nos objectifs restent inchangés, notamment en matière de mobilités : il nous faut toutes les réaliser.
4°) Contrairement à ce que nous avons pu constater dans d’autres cas, il semble que nous ne pouvons pas envisager de recruter un partenaire remplaçant.
5°) En réponse à une question de ma part sur la meilleure tactique à employer pour que les quatre partenaires restants ne perdent aucun financement européen et atteignent les buts formulés dans leur dossier de candidature, l’Agence Erasmus+ estime que nous devons choisir l’une de ces deux stratégies :
- Augmenter le nombre d’étudiants impliqués dans les voyages d’étude inscrits dans notre programme (comme vous le savez, l’équipe française souhaitaient porter son effectif à six élèves ; du coup, on pourrait aller jusqu’à emmener neuf lycéens ?)
- Mettre en œuvre une mobilité de substitution chez un autre partenaire pour remplacer C1 annulée.
Je propose que nous y pensions tranquillement chacun de notre côté avant d’organiser une concertation à distance en fin de mois pour prendre la meilleure décision.
Merci pour votre soutien.
International coordination note: Erasmusplusanimals E+A (Noah) / Pierre-Laurent Vanderplancke
Hello my dear European fellows.
First I must repeat how grateful we are all to Cluj-Napoca's team for the kindness and availability of the teachers, Mr vice-principle and students of the Colegiul economic “Iulian Pop” during C1. We did overcome the big trouble due to German dismiss thanks to good willing and works made by Ramona, Monica, Horea and pupils. Thereby the partnership's plan was implemented without any change..
After this first experience, I am sure we may be able to think and organize a more closed cooperation for the two following years (our goal in R2 meeting in October in Dobrich) and I am convinced we'll redo a very good job with students in Romania (C2 in November).
Please you to find on line the movie made by pupils and also a video of the closing ceremony (where certificates were given to all of participants) : Do not forget you and your pupils could also use the closed facebook group Noah in order to easily disseminate and keep in touch (Ramona first published the report by this way). Other movies and pics taken in C1 will be put on line as soon as possible.
C01 bilateral short term exchange to allow Romanian teams not to loose any mobility after Cluj was choosen instead of Blankenheim for C1 hosting. In France from the 24th to the 28th of September, 2018
R2 MEETING IN DOBRICH: Teachers seminar from the 8th to the 10th of October, 2018.
C2 SHORT-TERM EXCHANGE IN CLUJ-NAPOCA: Study travel from the 5th to the 9h of November, 2018.
C3 SHORT-TERM EXCHANGE IN DOBRICH: Study travel from the 13rd to the 17th of May, 2019
R3 MEETING IN ST-JEAN-DE-LUZ: Teachers seminar PROBABLY from the 19h to the 21st of June, 2019
Check if these dates are okay for you please! And may you write your holidays period sin our Google Agenda ?
Coat of arms: A new look of Laeticias's drawing will be done by a graphist in order to valorize it.
Students selection: All the teams agree to follow one generation during the 3 years project and to select participants who are the same age (16/17 in 2018-2019 and 17 /18 in 2019-2020). But pupils from Portugal will be younger due to the Headmaster's decision: 14 in the second year and 15 at the end!
eTwinning; chats and conferences seem uneasy to implement but project holders want to keep the account in order to put on line all the rushes people may use later to do movies |
All rushes in the Twinspace (FORUM NATURE+CULTURE)
Best local videos in the local website / Sharing in the E+A blog or in Facebook
Transnational movies in the transnational website |
It will be implemented in Cluj-Napoca from the 5th to the 9th of november,2018 and you can find the pedagogic goals and tasks to do according our initial plan on:
Thanks to Cluj-Napoca team to redo a meeting in Romania after C1 experience.
Merci aux équipes de Dobrich et Cluj-Napoca pour l'organisation des futures mobilités R2 et C2. Les porteurs de projet sont priés de remplir au plus tôt, avec l'aide des équipes locales, le questionnaire préparé par le Coordinateur International - lequel sera vérifié et complélé définitivement lors du séminaire en Bulgarie, afin d'assurer le Contrôle Qualité du partenariat. On tâchera de définir également lors de cette rencontre les modalités concrètes du travail transnatinal attendu lors des prochains voyages d'étude C2 et C3 et la formulation des consignes données aux élèves fera l'objet d'une réflexion.
rappel : Les élèves arriveront à Cluj-Napoca avec une vidéo (ou une présentation) montrant des jeux et/ou des pratiques cruelles à l'égard des animaux, ayant existé ou existant toujours dans la région d'implantation de leur lycée
reminder : Pupils involved in C3 mobility will have to comment in Cluj a movie or a slides show made by their school about cruel behaviors against animals.
Study travel from the 13rd to the 17th of May, 2019
Teachers seminar from the 19h to the 21st of June, 2019
(local festival during the following week end)
Please you to be able to valid these dates when we'll have to talk about
during R2 seminar in Dobrich!
R4 MEETING IN CLUJ Seminar in October, 2019
C4 SHORT-TERM EXCHANGE IN ALCOCHETE Study travel in November, 2019
R5 MEETING IN ALCOCHETE Seminar in June, 2020
Movie to finish in April and to present in June.
Please you to be begin to think about these mobilities in order to plan its as soon as possible |
All rushes were supposed to be uploaded in the Twinspace (FORUM NATURE+CULTURE) because it was a R1 decision ! Please to ecerybody to make pupils regristration in and not to forget to put on line the links to the movies made the team.
Best local videos in the local website / Sharing in the E+A blog or in Facebook / Selected transnational movies in the transnational website NOAH |
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Please you to read the CONTRÔLE QUALITE1 form (in pdf) to well understand what the matter with this table. Find it in attachement to the mail or in our blog
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