This blog was created with the aim of supporting the E+A partnership (this KA2 project was implemented from 2017 to 2020). It is now used by ACMÉ remote cooperation; but also for the dissemination of all the results of the “NOAH community” and the information given by the ILARGIA League. Starting in 2025, CITIZEN's.GAIN eTwinners will share some of their activities and coordination notes here. SMUN project leaders too.
samedi 24 mars 2018
Students of Seconde 4: Alejandra, Jennifer and Juliette were kind and smart hostesses in our High School's Open Day !
A successful way to make Lycée Ravel become well known, and to speak about E+A (Noah) main goals and next mobility in May. We asked to the visitors to vote fot the coat of arms they wish to be used as an official emblema of our strategic partnership....
jeudi 22 mars 2018
Second Local Field Trip in France : dissemination in the local newspaper
Students of our targeted group were involved last Tuesday (the 20th of March) in an exploration day as it was planned in our candidacy form.
They went in the morning to a Science Research centre to hear a lecture and to see concretely how scientists use to study local salmons. They visited in the afternoon Bayonne old city, in order to see how the animals' representations are very pregnant in christian arts and myths.
They went in the morning to a Science Research centre to hear a lecture and to see concretely how scientists use to study local salmons. They visited in the afternoon Bayonne old city, in order to see how the animals' representations are very pregnant in christian arts and myths.
dimanche 18 mars 2018
OPEN DAY in LYCEE RAVEL the 24th of March, 2018
A FLYER WAS DONE TO PRESENT E+A (Noah) partnership....
and Erasmus+ programme.
A stand dedicated to international and european action will be implemented.
samedi 17 mars 2018
ALCOCHETE : un message écologique sur les animaux et l'environnement
Lecture obligatoire et travail en salle de classe, en portugais :
Luis Sepúlveda, l'écrivain du Chili, un homme qui aime la nature., le merveilleux.
Luis Sepúlveda, l'écrivain du Chili, un homme qui aime la nature., le merveilleux.
Zorbas le chat et la mouette...
ALOCOCHETE : La culture populaire et les classiques: lectures
Popular culture and classical culture about animals: fables and popular tales. they are reading and creating comics for the end of the year exhibition.
La culture populaire et lecture de quelques textes classiques: fables et contes populaires. Quelques exemples de livres avec les textes lus.
Les élèves sont en train de créer des BD sur les textes lus et choisis pour l'exposition de la fin de l'année.
La culture populaire et lecture de quelques textes classiques: fables et contes populaires. Quelques exemples de livres avec les textes lus.
Les élèves sont en train de créer des BD sur les textes lus et choisis pour l'exposition de la fin de l'année.
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