dimanche 23 février 2025

ACMÉ note 3 / VISITING THE PARTNERS (Beasain on Tuesday, Pamplona on Wednesday) and talking about cooperative activities and planning

It was not possible to fix a common meeting for all the Basque project holders in February but some concrete conversations may be useful by now. And first schedule does exist concerning the workshops we wish to implement in May (incoming accredited mobility by some Latvian partners)

cover project for the next fall of our magazine




ACMÉ system's Background & Results of the "FIGHT FOR FREEDOM" project are available in the website edited by the ILARGIA League

Results of the "RESILIENCE"  project will be exposed in the NOAH family's website


International Notes for project holders are shared in this special blogspot, and some remote activities are made using the CITIZEN's.GAIN Twinspace

Find the ACMÉ interschool activities' Background  in the NBE+ website (for project leaders)

Mobilities' reviews (incoming accredited study travels or outings implemented by Lycée Ravel) are published in the LegendE+ propaganda site, made for volorizing all the european partenrships and projects of the High School


ACMÉ Note de coordination internationale n°4 -
ALL CITIZENS 004 – 2025/02/22

Ligue ILARGIA pour l'innovation et la coopération

2 avenue du Professeur Gregorio Maranon F64500 Saint-Jean-de-Luz

dissemination :https://ilargia.franceserv.eu/

members blog : https://ilargialeague.blogspot.com/



Bonjour à tous et à toutes.

Après les retours de votre part (note du 27 janvier) voici le moment de décider concrètement quelles actions nous pouvons réaliser ensemble (impliquant éventuellement toute l'équipe ou au moins certaines des écoles, dans le cadre d'échanges à distance ou de rencontres physiques).

Hello / Kaixo / Ola !

After the feedback from you (note of January 27), now is the time to decide concretely what actions we can carry out together (possibly involving the whole team or at least some of the

high schools, within the framework of remote exchanges or physical meetings).

Je vous propose d'abord de prendre connaissance du brouillon du calendrier des activités projetées pendant la semaine du mois de mai où nous accueillerons au Lycée Ravel des représentants de deux école secondaires lettonnes venus de la municipalité de Kekava. Je souhaiterais proposer que vous participiez à cet échange, soit symboliquement, grâce à une visioconférence, ou même dans le cadre d'une sortie terrain conjointe (vers votre ville ou celle d'un autre partenaire, voire sur un site vers lequel nous pourrions converger pour y implanter des ateliers pédagogiques).

I suggest that you first take note of the draft calendar of activities planned for the week of May when we will welcome to the Ravel High School representatives of two Latvian secondary schools from the municipality of Kekava. I would like to suggest that you participate in this exchange, either symbolically, through a videoconference, or even as part of a joint field trip (to your city or that of another partner, or even to a site where we could converge to set up educational workshops)

Par ailleurs, je vous rappelle que le dispositif ACMÉ RESISTANCE comprend deux projets pédagogiques distincts ("Fight For Freedom", qui concerne l'étude du totalitarisme et la citoyenneté et "Resilience", centré sur les risques environnementaux et la responsabilité). Que vous choisissiez de vous investir dans l'un ou dans l'autre des ces modules, ou que vous souhaitiez participer aux deux volets, implique au minimum votre inscription dans l'eTwinning CITIZEN's.GAIN (un des professeurs de chaque école au moins devra s'y inscrire pour donner une existence plus officielle à la coopération ; ce n'est pas encore le cas à ce jour).

Furthermore, I remind you that the ACMÉ RESISTANCE system includes two distinct educational projects ("Fight For Freedom", which concerns the study of totalitarianism and citizenship and "Resilience", centered on environmental risks and responsibility). Whether you choose to get involved in one or the other of these modules or whether you wish to participate in both components, requires at least your registration in CITIZEN's.GAIN eTwinning (at least one of the teachers from each school will have to register to give a more official existence to the cooperation; this is not yet the case to date).

A ce stade, et plutôt que d'allonger encore cette note de coordination, je m'apprête à envoyer à chaque partenaire un courriel spécifique pour faire le point avant de partager le résultat définitif de la concertation. Aux partenaires de Navarre, Guipuzkoa et Biscaye : je les informe que je suis prêt à me rendre auprès de chacun d'entre eux, s'ils le souhaitent, pour discuter de vive voix ; je suis libre, en effet, entre le lundi 24 février et le Samedi 4 mars !

At this stage, and rather than further extending this coordination note, I am preparing to send each partner a specific email to take stock before sharing the final result of the consultation. To the partners in Navarra, Gipuzkoa and Biscay: I inform them that I am ready to go to each of them, if they wish, to discuss in person; I am free, in fact, between Monday February 24 and Saturday March 4!

Très cordiales salutations / Best Regards / P-L Vanderplancke

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POST SCRIPTUM Nous cherchons à contacter un lycée Polonais qui serait accrédité et aurait prévu de visiter la France (ou l'Espagne) en 2025 mais sans avoir encore choisi l'école-cible et la date, car faire participer un école secondaire de ce pays aux cérémonies du 18 juin (85ème anniversaire de l'opération Ariel) serait une belle opportunité pour faire connaître nos projets. Merci d'activer vos réseaux pour nous aider à trouver cette perle rare.

POST SCRIPT We are looking to contact a Polish high school which would be accredited and would have planned to visit France (or Spain) in 2025 but without having yet chosen the target school and the date, because having a secondary school from this country participate in the ceremonies of June 18 (85th anniversary of Operation Ariel) would be a great opportunity to publicize our projects. Please activate your networks to help us find this « rare gem ».

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samedi 8 février 2025

ILARGIA 9 IS NOW AVAILABLE (January 2025 edition)

 ILARGIA MAGAZINE 2025 IS AVAILABLE ON LINE / le numéro 9 du magazine ILARGIA est disponible



ACMÉ "RESISTANCE" and MODEL, two new projects

 to be held by the ILARGIA League from 2025 are

 described in the journal

As all the accredited mobilies implemented at Lycée

 Ravel during this school year and the next one,

 especially the incoming visit from Latvian people

 planned in May, and the future outing trip to Poland 

(in the framework of the CITIZEN's.GAIN eTwinning,

created in support to the ACME 

"RESISTANCE" system).

(from N°0 to N° 8) 

dimanche 15 décembre 2024

ACMÉ Note de coordination internationale n°2 - ALL CITIZENS 002 - 2024/12/14 Le 14 décembre 2024

HELLO ! Kaixo ! Bonjour... 

We hope that you will be kind enough to let us know your intentions by Christmas or at the very beginning of January and, to help you, I will give you some details concerning our ambitions for the Ravel high school.

As a reminder, two possible areas of work within the framework of the ACMÉ / RESISTANCE system: studying Resistance to oppression and the fight for Freedom (History and Memory, civic education) or Resilience in the face of crises, particularly climate crises (Life sciences, Geography and civic education)

Concrete achievements to be publicized.

The main product of the project would be audios to share to develop Orality, then the debate (examples are available on the high school's Podcast site called "QUINTESSENCE.RADIO") but other achievements of a different nature are possible, to highlight on our Twinspace: videos for example, eTwinning guaranteeing that students are not exposed to the gaze of intruders foreign to secondary education.

Mobilities and events scheduled.

Concretely, in terms of our agenda: we have already planned to go to Poland (not the Ravel high school, but some adult members of the association) in the Spring or this summer...

We must also (the French high school) receive a Latvian school in May (possible work on resilience in the face of the climate crisis and the sixth extinction, but also on resistance to totalitarianism).

We are asked to "mark the occasion" on June 18 (85th anniversary of Operation ARIEL celebrated by the municipality) or even to participate in an exhibition on this theme (the work can take place later, not necessarily on June 18, and be adapted according to the partner - for example, work on the Gernika battalion is possible, or on the Spanish of the second DB etc.)

We should go to Poland, this time with students, next school year (KA1 / towards Auschwitz and Gdansk)


As for our secondary school: we plan to include several classes in the system, therefore to address both axes

Group 1 of Franco-Spanish students (with the participation of the two Spanish teachers from the international section, therefore the possibility of using Castilian and English or even French - I also have these students in class, usually) / perhaps preferably on the theme of resilience, but everything is possible with regional partners, depending on their expectations

Group 2 of students specializing in History and Philosophy (we are two teachers involved) more interested in Totalitarianism

Group 3 a Latin-Greek group, open to questions relating to the city and citizenship, or even to approaches that may resonate with contemporary issues (parity, status of women and children, imperialism). Here again, the concrete work themes will be defined with the partner(s) who will be associated

We do not think that all schools must necessarily take part in the two axes of the project; the concrete achievements must be adjusted to the means (therefore remain modest). Of course we are open to mobility (local meetings or hosting accredited mobilities).

Best Regards

P-L Vanderplancke

dimanche 8 décembre 2024


 It was sent the 8th of december, 2024 to all the project holders we may have in the High Schools interested in the proposal made by the ILARGIA league and shown to possible sponsors and supporters in order to make them help the NGO.