International coordination note IC 2 Le 27 février 2023
module 1 RIGHTS 25% 30 000 € FRA CITIZENSHIP AND DEMOCRACY, History and Rights 12.5 - RO CITIZENSHIP AND SOLIDARITY (living together) 12,5 Deliverables: History and Rights podcasts and micro-trots ahead of C1 and C2 Transnational radio debate in St-Jean and Cluj Oral presentation at C6 module 2 LIMITS 25% 30 000 € CZ CITIZENSHIP AND INCLUSION (national boundaries, political boundaries) 12,5 - TUR CITIZENSHIP AND INCLUSION (gender boundaries, migrants, social boundaries) 12 5 Deliverables: Sc Po and Rights podcasts and micro-trotters ahead of C3 and C4 Transnational debate broadcast from Prague and Cesme Observation: integration of minorities: women and foreigners issue Oral presentation during C6 module 3 DUTY 25% 30 000 € POL CITIZENSHIP AND NATION, DUTY TO DEFEND 12,5 - BULG GLOBAL ECO-CITOYENNETY, RESPONSIBILITY IN THE PROTECTION OF LIVING THINGS (speciesism, unity of living things, biological boundaries) 12.5 Deliverables: podcasts from Sc Po and Droits and micro-trottoirs ahead of C3 and C4 Transnational debate broadcast from Prague and Cesme Observation: integration of minorities: women and foreigners issue Oral presentation during C6 module 4 cultural project 15% 18000 € 2,5 each of schools 1 SINGING AND TALKINGS (Choirs to cut off speeches/lectures) preparation of C5 module 5 MANAGEMENT (by the LEAGUE) 12 000 € |
Hello my dear colleagues . Please, find in the left column a reminder : first leads for dispatching the Workpackages (as we have edited in the first note). Please consider possible allternatives below knowing we will have to explain why your school has (more than another one) the special skills to fill the needs we have identified. Do not forget ; concretely, the idea is to give the responsibility -or leadership- to some little teams (of 2 schools) but to make all the partners taking part in works on each issue together (reason why we must implement many videoconferences but have also arguments to fund concrete mobilities). This point has no changed since IC1. But now we can ask you if you prefer the former planning or this new one : made AFTER A LOCAL BRAINSTORMING AND YOUR ANSWERS TO INTERNATIONAL NOTE n°1 MODULE 1 (WORKPACKAGE 1) should become WP1: Interlocking scales of citizenship (local-national-continental). A great part of the job is to be implemented in our school programme the 1st school year but any school would have to take part and some of activities may be done during the 2nd year. MODULE 2
(WP2:) Nesting of the scale of responsibility (minors,
foreigners, women, MODULE 3
(WP3): International governance MODULES 4 & 5 (WP4-WP5) : the sames
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ACMÉ 2 / CITOYENS DU MONDE (citoyenneté et responsabilité)
- Should be named as schools in charge of the coordination of pedagogic packages WP1 : France / Pologne WP2 : Turquie / Roumanie WP3 : Tchéquie/ Bulgarie
Or, if you do prefer, we can keep the first organization of the coordintaion groups F+RO CZ+TR and BULG+POL Anyway it's a question of dissemination and a way to dipatch the funds but all the schools are to be involved in the three pedagogic workpackages.
- About mobilities : it is not sure we ll be able to maintain the numbers we fixed first, but – if this goal is kept in the application form)
R1 : St-Jean, nov 23
C1 Cluj (déc 23) topic Polis / civitas (ancient and local conceptionc of city)
C2 Prague (avril 24) Eurocitoyens / Eurocitizens (historic and civic issues)
C3 Cesme (mai 24) Conflicts / minorities (inclusivity and/or exclusion of the City)
R2 : june 24 in remote mode if no country interested by hosting the midterm meeting
C4 Kwidzin (oct 24) Responsibility and duties (defence, protection of the planet..)
C5 Dobrich (avril 25) Future of the city and city of the future (and preparation of C6)
C6 Ravel (juin 25) Final Debate and a performance
R3 : october 25 in remote mode if no country interested by hosting the midterm meeting
« Study travels » teachers 2 + 6 studens (MAX)
Meetings for adults training : 2 / organization
- Funding aims:
FRA 15% |
RO 15% |
CZ 15% |
BULG 15% |
POL 15% |
TR 15% |
18 000€ |
18 000€ |
18 000€ |
18 000€ |
18 000€ |
18 000€ |
LEAGUE 10% 12 000 €
We are now trying to well understand the « sum lumps » system. I believe it's the moment for you to submit suggests since ina couplme of weeks it wiil be too late. The application will be advanced enough to permit us to ask you questiosn about details but it will be impossible to change the structuration. I am coming back very soon to each of you to give you as a partner some tools to share your ideas. Do not forget it's important to be a member of the « NOAH Ttwinning » even if ESEP is now hosting these sort of projects, and Twinspaces are almost dead (it is only possible to edit some pic/video galleries). Please to send the finacial mandate signed by your headmaster/mistress very quickly (perhaps a copy by mail is necessary) : we cannot wait for the acceptance of the candidacy but are obliged to attach it to the application by now.