mardi 23 janvier 2024

ACMÉ remote activities planned for 2024 / Leads for a new cooperative partnership


Bonjour / HELLO !

The ACMÉ project restarts in 2024, but it will be available in a remote version, thanks to two eTwinning projects supported by the Lycée Maurice Ravel.

These porjects are: first SEE.SHORE (formerly called Water.Worlds) created to contextualize our teachings and open the school internationally and second FORUM.NOAH, more focused on supporting European cooperation linked to the protection of Biodiversity and the environment, so that in citizenship.

A small group of French students aged 18 and enrolled in Technical Last Class will produce, as part of the ACMÉ project, a small magazine devoted to engagement in civic, associative and/or professional life: it would be interesting to plan (towards the month of May) one or two online workshops (videoconferences) to discuss the subject with high school students learning French (in Romania, Italy or Portugal?).

Another group made up of students in the General Terminal (18 years old) and high school students specializing in Philosophy (HLP) or History (HGGSP) will produce small debates broadcast on the school ccity's podcast site: this which could lead to one or two videoconferences in English (again, in April or May?).

I encourage you to register on ESEP in order me to be able to invite you to formally participate in these two eTwinnings, even if, concretely, we will be able to work without the tools provided by this system (the Twinspace and photo galleries, the old historical functionalities such as “chat” being a priori no longer available) and if registration is complicated – it takes a long time and validation by the national agency so that I can apparently find you in the ESEP contacts.

The goal is to maintain a link between us to allow you to participate occasionally, if you wish, in the ACMÉ project this year and, above all, to support the joint application, submitted but not selected last year, which we would like to repropose in March.

After having tested the application twice as an association, we wish to return to a classic inter-school application coordinated by the Lycée Ravel. Since 2015, we have in fact proposed five of which have all been selected; we hope it will be the same this time.

This new version described in note number 5 as:

COOPÉ application / KA 220 to be presented

with Praha, Dobrich and Cluj-Napoca

and with other partners from Türkiye and Poland

will probably need to be edited a bit and its name changed. For the moment this new outline of partnership would be called CITIZEN.GAIN and would remain focused on the speech, although with the introduction of role-playing games.

Before talking about it again (you must consult the new call for projects before understanding the expectations of the new ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME period) it is necessary to know who among you would be interested. Or you wish to wait for a new application postponed to next year ?

Official start of the partnership in November or December 2024

first mobility in France in May-June 2025

after an online collaboration phase

most activities and mobility in 2026

official end in October or November 2027

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