samedi 8 février 2025

ILARGIA 9 IS NOW AVAILABLE (January 2025 edition)

 ILARGIA MAGAZINE 2025 IS AVAILABLE ON LINE / le numéro 9 du magazine ILARGIA est disponible



ACMÉ "RESISTANCE" and MODEL, two new projects

 to be held by the ILARGIA League from 2025 are

 described in the journal

As all the accredited mobilies implemented at Lycée

 Ravel during this school year and the next one,

 especially the incoming visit from Latvian people

 planned in May, and the future outing trip to Poland 

(in the framework of the CITIZEN's.GAIN eTwinning,

created in support to the ACME 

"RESISTANCE" system).

(from N°0 to N° 8) 

dimanche 15 décembre 2024

ACMÉ Note de coordination internationale n°2 - ALL CITIZENS 002 - 2024/12/14 Le 14 décembre 2024

HELLO ! Kaixo ! Bonjour... 

We hope that you will be kind enough to let us know your intentions by Christmas or at the very beginning of January and, to help you, I will give you some details concerning our ambitions for the Ravel high school.

As a reminder, two possible areas of work within the framework of the ACMÉ / RESISTANCE system: studying Resistance to oppression and the fight for Freedom (History and Memory, civic education) or Resilience in the face of crises, particularly climate crises (Life sciences, Geography and civic education)

Concrete achievements to be publicized.

The main product of the project would be audios to share to develop Orality, then the debate (examples are available on the high school's Podcast site called "QUINTESSENCE.RADIO") but other achievements of a different nature are possible, to highlight on our Twinspace: videos for example, eTwinning guaranteeing that students are not exposed to the gaze of intruders foreign to secondary education.

Mobilities and events scheduled.

Concretely, in terms of our agenda: we have already planned to go to Poland (not the Ravel high school, but some adult members of the association) in the Spring or this summer...

We must also (the French high school) receive a Latvian school in May (possible work on resilience in the face of the climate crisis and the sixth extinction, but also on resistance to totalitarianism).

We are asked to "mark the occasion" on June 18 (85th anniversary of Operation ARIEL celebrated by the municipality) or even to participate in an exhibition on this theme (the work can take place later, not necessarily on June 18, and be adapted according to the partner - for example, work on the Gernika battalion is possible, or on the Spanish of the second DB etc.)

We should go to Poland, this time with students, next school year (KA1 / towards Auschwitz and Gdansk)


As for our secondary school: we plan to include several classes in the system, therefore to address both axes

Group 1 of Franco-Spanish students (with the participation of the two Spanish teachers from the international section, therefore the possibility of using Castilian and English or even French - I also have these students in class, usually) / perhaps preferably on the theme of resilience, but everything is possible with regional partners, depending on their expectations

Group 2 of students specializing in History and Philosophy (we are two teachers involved) more interested in Totalitarianism

Group 3 a Latin-Greek group, open to questions relating to the city and citizenship, or even to approaches that may resonate with contemporary issues (parity, status of women and children, imperialism). Here again, the concrete work themes will be defined with the partner(s) who will be associated

We do not think that all schools must necessarily take part in the two axes of the project; the concrete achievements must be adjusted to the means (therefore remain modest). Of course we are open to mobility (local meetings or hosting accredited mobilities).

Best Regards

P-L Vanderplancke

dimanche 8 décembre 2024


 It was sent the 8th of december, 2024 to all the project holders we may have in the High Schools interested in the proposal made by the ILARGIA league and shown to possible sponsors and supporters in order to make them help the NGO.

mardi 19 novembre 2024

New opportunities in 2025? ALL CITIZENS: MANKIND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT was presented in the framework of the "SCHOLAR Transilvania 2024 event"

The NOAH Family is now waiting for (and hoping)  the selection of the "MODEL (SMUN)"   application made by the ILARGIA league and some other partners following an idea held by M.Aydin. A new project whose potential coordinator is located in Germany (results given to this candidacy may be published in december: we cross fingers since the attemps to obtain funds for our NGO from the French N/A were all unfructuous in a recent past). If selected, MODEL should become a simplified partnership centered on citizenhip education and precisely on simulation of the United Nations sessions. The topic is not so far away of subjects the League wanted to work on in the framework of the former applications we did elaborate.

ACMÉ was the name of one of these virtual partnerships the French Agency did not select (arguing the operational capabilities of the NGO)  but the acronym is now used for a project carried out by the ILARGIA league in order to implement some remote transnational cooperative activities (thanks to eTwinning / as it was already done from 2024) but also, during the 2025-2026 period, time several mobilities for the NGO members and (thanks to the KA1 acreditation) for students and teachers of the schools who will enter in the pool of teams for coworkings focused on the theme of  RESISTANCE against oppression.


The plan is to study and compare History and memories of the relience and the struggles agasinst occupation, nazism, franquisme and/or the communist tototalitariasism. And to increase the synergy with the city of Saint Jean de Luz from the harbour a part of the Polish army was evacuated in  1940 : reason why it is important to involve people in Poland!  We wish on another hand stimulate the transfrontier interscolar exchanges (Orion organisation was an help for young volunteers to escape to Spain before joining the French troops in Africa during the second World War, but many refugees came earlier from Spain to France, after the civil war; we think the different territories of Basque Country can share their past experiences and measure common and differences). 
THE project's name is RESISTANCE but two sort of activities can be involved in : first,  studies centered on the Fight for Freedom and History; but also cooperative workshops devoted to resilience and action against the climate crisis consequences end all environmental issues.