jeudi 24 août 2023

ACMÉ6 note: leads for a simplified partnership


PPS.ACMÉ 6 / IC note 6 - Le 24 août 2023

Hello everybody:

our new project is almost ready to become an application for a simplified partnership we should quickly deposit : before the 4th of october. 2023.

^^ click to enlarge ^^

You can find in attachment (in your mailbox) the Roadbook presenting our aims and the timeline.

Please check in and tell if all is okay and clear enough in your opinion.

Concerning mobilities, three short-term exchanges are planned :

C1 in France related to frontiers and interregional cooperation, C2 in Poland connected to intra and international relations problems (Solidarities) and C3 in Türkiye which is a good place to talk about the help to victims and the strength owned by civic communities to overcome disasters of all sorts (Resilience). Perhaps R3 may be a concrete meeting (in France or elsewhere, depending of remaining funds from the NGO).

We think some of our experts in C1 may probably come from Romania (Mircea about religion and civic duties) and in C3 from Bulgaria (duties towards Life). The question is to be sure invited people are free to make a study travel in the same time they are supposed usually to be in school.

Take care: I am sending to you in the same time this message is delivered the Declaration your boss is obliged to sign to validate our common application hoping he/she is confident enough to take a decizion from your expertise and what is actually published online about the project

(Agenda, objectives, work packages and Gantt Chart)

I d like to transmit our papers as soon as possible since we'll be too much busy to have many talks about in september and the computers in Brussels may be out of order. Even if we know only a very few number of simplified partnerships will be accepted by the French representatives of the UE commission (perhaps 15 or 20?) it's important to try again. No renouncement !


P-L Vanderplancke

POST SRIPTUM : in any C mobility the target is : 10 pax/a school, with a minima of 8 people (2 T + 6 S) ; pupils taking part to the project : one group of 16/17 years old in 2023 2024, the same group the followin

lundi 14 août 2023

ACMÉ 5 international note


le 14 août 2023

French text

Bonjour à tous ; nous réfléchissons actuellement (l'équipe française et le bureau de la LIGUE ILARGIA) à la conception d'un partenariat simplifié que nous déposerons rapidement,  en octobre. Le coordinateur devant être inexpérimenté, notre association internationale est potentiellement, nous l'espérons, un candidat approprié pour participer en tant que chef de file à ce nouveau projet relevant de l'action-clef 2 (KA 210 nommé PPS.ACMÉ).

Concernant les « outsiders » (c'est-à-dire ceux d'entre vous qui ne devraient pas porter la candidature à cette coopération de type KA 210 : je veux dire Cluj, Dobrich et Praha) nous essaierons de refaire au plus vite un KA 220 de taille moyenne avec vous. Le nom temporaire de ce partenariat scolaire classique coordonné par le Lycée Ravel est COOPÉ - mais il n'y a malheureusement pas d'appel à candidatures pour ce type de partenariat avant l'année prochaine (été 2024 au plus tôt).

NOTA BENE : s'il s'avère impossible d'obtenir des subventions européennes pour un partenariat porté par notre ONG, le prochain KA220 pourrait être un consortium de plus grande envergure réunissant toutes les équipes ayant participé au plan original de la collaboration ACMÉ (non sélectionnés en juillet) ; mais si notre KA 210 était approuvé seuls les « outsiders » seraient invités à participer à notre KA 220 COOPÉ puisque nos autres amis (les « insiders» polonais et turcs) devraient déjà travailler avec nous dans le cadre du PPS.ACMÉ.


vendredi 4 août 2023

ACMÉ 4 international note


ACMÉ 4 / International coordination note IC 4 - Le 4 août 2023

Hello everybody:

As you know, our common application for a partnership made between 6 schools and the NGO called ILARGIA LEAGUE was not selected by the French National Agency

Yesterday, the reasons were given to us : according to the official note written by the authorities, the project itself is not critizised but only the organisational abilities of the ILARGIA LEAGUE. Perhaps it's because of the presentation made last year by the Erasmus+Agency, wich may have incited some project holders to prefer applicant plans supported by NGO rather than partnerships held by schools (as schools were described as "no efficient enough" to manage budgets of the KA2 cooperative actions). Or it' because our NGO's credibility as this entity is too young and not rich enough compared to the big project we wished to coordinate?

We prayed today the Agency to give us more precisions and to express an opinion about our chances to be selected if we redo another application. Not sure we'll have a significant answer but we attempt to obtain good information before a brainstorming to change the original project (we plan to implement this workshop on midaugust). Indeed I believe we should try to make a smaller version of ACMÉ in the hope to be selected in october in the framework of simplified partnerships. Even if we must have no encouragement from the Agency and if we are not sure to be successful. But it means only a few schools and the NGO should be involved in (the ILARGIA LEAGUE would stay as our "squadron leader" since the simplified partnerships are designed for newbies). You can guess a strong reduction of the project is necessary because of limits given to the duration and the grants (60 000€ as a maxima) of these sort of partnersips.

In this new context, some of you will not have their schools be incorporated in the consortium but you'll probably can be considered if you want it as a resource like teacher member of the League and be invited to take part to one mobility as an expert; a part of us may also help to the intellectual outputs with our students in a remote mode (acting as eTwinners for instance). I need to know if you think is it easy for you to accept an invitation from the LEAGUE to take part to an activity granteds by the ERASMUS+ programme, even if you have no school holidays? (In France it would be complicated for the headmaster to let us free to move instead of give our lessons). And what do you think of the leads I have listed in this letter? (and whats'about the concrete possibilies for your school and/or yourself)?